Registration open for community garden plots

ThisWeek CW 03/15/2012

The city of Canal Winchester is looking for a few green thumbs to nurture a plot at the community garden.

For the sixth year, 55 free garden plots are being offered to local residents on a first-come, first-served basis.

Each plot measures 10 feet by 20 feet and is located off Waterloo Street behind Bolenbaugh True Value Hardware, in the grassy area known as Emma’s Meadow.

“It’s free for city residents to participate in the community garden,” city administrator Diane Mays said. “People can begin signing up now and we’ll assign the plots on April 30.”

According to Mays, residents can request multiple plots but will only receive more than one if there are not enough participants.

“The plots are first-come first-serve so we’re encouraging people to sign up as soon as possible. Agreements are available at the municipal building or on the city website,” she said.

The agreements require participants to maintain the plots throughout the season and to remove all vegetation and any gardening materials by Nov. 1. Water is not available on site and must be transported by individual gardeners.

“In previous years, people have brought water in jugs or some have used large drums in the back of their trucks,” Mays said. “Unfortunately, we do not have any water service on the site, though.”

The Rotary Club of Canal Winchester partners with the city by disc tilling and marking the plots at the beginning of the year.

“Rotary helps with tilling and marking the plots but a lot of people will choose to till their plot further and work the soil the way they like it,” Mays said.

She said the Community Food Pantry works with gardeners who would like to donate a portion of their fresh produce during the season as well.

“We’ve worked with Penny Miller in the past and she has been happy to disperse extra food through the food bank,” Mays said. “There are a lot of people in the community that have done this every year so far. Working in the garden, you get a good sense of community and get to meet a lot of nice people who also love to garden.”

For more information, contact Mays at 614-837-7501 or email