Aqua Ohio donates to Brobst Park improvements

ThisWeek CW 07/09/2015

Madison Township’s water provider, Aqua Ohio, made a second $1,000 donation to the township for improvements to Brobst Park during a ceremony last month, but one trustee refused to attend, citing the company’s repeated requests for rate increases.

In late 2014, Aqua Ohio made an initial donation of $1,000 for the purpose of maintaining Brobst Park.

“Our shareholders donate back to the communities we serve because they feel it is important,” company representative Greg Odell said. “In each regional area that Aqua Ohio operates, the shareholders select a community project to donate to and for central Ohio, it is Brobst Park.”

Township Administrator Susan Brobst said the money will go a long way toward restoring the park.

“We are pleased to accept the second donation of $1,000 from the Aqua Ohio board members,” Brobst said. “The fund from last fall and now this presentation will be used to replace the ash trees that had to be removed due to disease, and to repair and replace some of the picnic tables and benches at the park.”

Trustee Gary McDonald, who declined to attend the June 17 ceremony, said he thought the timing of the donation was inappropriate, given that Aqua Ohio had a rate hike request approved last year and now has another before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.

“I have concerns about attending a photo opportunity for Aqua Ohio giving this donation when we’re working to try and keep water rates down for all of our residents,” McDonald said. “This just doesn’t seem appropriate to me, given the timing.”

The PUCO has agreed to consider the company’s request for a 4.5-percent rate increase for water service and a 3-percent rate increase for sewer service. In September 2014, Aqua Ohio was granted a water rate increase of 9.7 percent but did not seek an increase in sewer rates at that time.

According to Odell, the rate increases that took place in 2014 were related to system improvements while the new requests would cover the cost of replacing worn system components.

“We hope to have a decision back about the rate case in three to five months,” Odell said.