New signs approved at Swisher and Groveport roads

ThisWeek CW 09/20/2012

Groveport City Council is working with Obetz and Madison Township officials to improve traffic safety at the Swisher and Groveport roads intersection.

Council voted unanimously at its Sept. 10 meeting to install new signs on Groveport Road meant to make clear that semi-truck traffic is not allowed on Swisher Road.

The estimated cost for the signs is $500.

“The public works director and police chief and I attended a meeting with Madison Township and Obetz to change the signage at Swisher because truck traffic is a real problem there,” City Administrator Marsha Hall said. “Currently, there’s signage there but it’s too far back, so semi-trucks are already turning before they can see the signs and they’re ending up in people’s yards.”

According to Hall, several residents have complained about damage to their property from the trucks. Hall also said signs would be updated on Toy Road as well.

“Is there a chance we can raise the fine for these truckers to discourage them from using the roads they shouldn’t?” Councilwoman Jean Ann Hilbert asked.

Councilman Ed Rarey agreed with Hilbert and said he was worried about problems on other residential streets, such as Tallman Street.

Police Chief Ralph Portier said the current misdemeanor offense carries a $90 fine, which he said is rarely contested. He said he doesn’t believe an increase would solve the problem.

“We need to put larger signs at the beginning of these residential streets so the truckers see it before they begin the turn and commit to pulling in there,” Portier said.

Council member Shawn Cleary said truck and warehouse traffic at the intersection of Green Pointe Drive and Groveport Road should also be examined.

“While we’re talking about traffic, at rush hour it took us 48 minutes to try and get out of the Wendy’s there,” Cleary said. “Going southbound, we could only get one car through at a time, so that’s a timing issue we need to look at.”

Resident Matt Campbell suggested that a turn-lane light be installed on Green Pointe Drive to help alleviate the congestion. Hall said she would ask the city staff to investigate the possibility of adding appropriate traffic devices at the intersection.

She also told council the city staff will check each week on the progress of fixing streetlights that have been out on Cherry Street. Rarey said some of the lights have been out for four months; he also said the maturing trees on Main Street are blocking the streetlights, making them ineffective and causing a public safety issue late at night.

“On Main Street, in the evening hours, with the trees in bloom, the leaves are blocking a considerable amount of light, so we aren’t lighting up Main Street like we’d desire to,” he said. “I think we ought to be looking into someone going in and pruning the trees.”

The next scheduled city council meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 24, at the Municipal Building, 655 Blacklick St.